Saturday, March 24, 2012

An Introduction

So here it is.

I think for a while now God has been nudging me towards doing this...keeping a blog, that is. You might ask, "Why on earth would God want you to write a blog?". My answer...NO IDEA! But I have a few theories.

Theory One:
I need an outlet! I can sometimes have so many pent up feelings/thoughts/questions/answers/advice/fears/joys, and I don't always know where to turn.

(Possibly your husband or your mother? Yes yes, I know! And I do. But sometimes, even with those closest to you, it's hard to say everything...An unrational fear? Perhaps. The only one who knows everything is, naturally, God.)

So maybe God's giving me a way to get these thoughts out on the table, (somewhat) anonymously and (maybe) without judgement, so that I can get them out of my head where they can no longer eat away at me.

Theory Two:
I might actually have something relevant to say! Maybe there are people out there who are going through exactly the same things as me (well, of course there are!). Perhaps, I'll be able to encourage some people and receive some encouragement as well.

Theory Three:
Maybe...just maybe, the right person (even if it is just one) will come across this blog and a seed will be sown and they'll come to know my Lord, Jesus Christ, through my writing. 

I'm thinking (hoping) it is a combination of all three of my theories!

So what, exactly, is this blog going to be about?
Anything and everything! I plan on writing daily (maybe....more likely, weekly) entries about what is going on in my matter how boring it may be! I'll write about my joys, struggles, experiences, things my son says or my husband does that either make me laugh or bring me utter frustration! I also would like to write each time about what God has me reading in my Bible. It may or may not be relevant to what has happened, but I'll try to make it relevant at least some of the time.

I hope that through my writing, not only will I benefit from a mental "release" but that I will be able to benefit others, and ultimately, bring Glory to God's kingdom. After all, this life may not be an easy one, but I know that God has some big plans and I know that He loves me (ALL of us!) and I can only hope that I can return even just a fraction of the love/kindness/forgiveness/etc. that He has shown me.

Please, keep in mind that I am no writer/scholar/theologist/etc.

p.s. It's about 11:30 pm on March 24, (almost) 3 year old son woke up about half an hour ago talking/fussing. I picked him up as he cried a bit. When he finally calmed down he said, "I want hot chocolate". He was sleep talking...he does that...a lot.

Good night everyone and God bless you!

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